Over the next few years, technology companies and staffing agencies providing services to help companies and law firms manage the increasingly growing corpus of documents, will need better tools to manage the data when that body of data is in another language. This problem is exacerbated when the documents are in Chinese, Japanese or Korean (known typically in the industry as “CJK”). Add to this the various standard practices vis a vis document management and preservation.
So what happens when a company gets hit with a government investigation or a civil suit? Corporate departments are scrambling, law firms do not have the people-power to conduct a thorough document review and everything seems last-minute. From our discussion with various professionals involved in many Japanese and Chinese reviews, they will tell you that this process is quite messy and ad hoc.
Here’s the rub: when a staffing agency is called by “big firm” Y to staff a Chinese or Japanese project, the recruiting professional tasked with the responsibility to recruit a Chinese or Japanese review team has absolutely zero knowledge of the language. Ask any reviewer who has been involved in a Chinese or Japanese review. They will tell you. Law firms and their clients deserve better. With so much on the line, we think it is critical that there exists a single data base and resource that can leveraged for these matters. This is what we at Chinese Doc Review and Japanese Doc Review are building.