Japanese Doc Review spent the week in Las Vegas attending ILTA’s Annual Educational Conference. It was the first ILTA conference we attended as a company, and it was worth every minute.
The opportunity to meet other providers in the Asian eDiscovery space was delightful. The conference was a great opportunity to catch up with old friends and make new contacts. As a company, we are a firm believer that we can work together with other service providers to assist Japanese companies and their US law firms during the review phase.
Furthermore, our collective experience with the Japanese-fluent review community serves as a wealth of knowledge. This is an area nobody has examined closely. The reason, we will publish in the first-ever White Paper on Japanese Document Review and E-Discovery. This paper will focus on the experiences gained from people we believe have the most direct contact with Japanese review: the Japanese fluent Attorneys who have conducted a greater portion of most of the Japanese review in North America. As we all know, every review is different, especially since the substantive area of the law, work flow, and scope of review is widely different depending on so many moving parts. This is more true with Japanese review.
Our discussions with dozens of Japanese-fluent Attorney reviewers on virtually every area of law working out of dozens of law firms is a source of great value assessing where the industry is going, which technologies have the greatest depth and promise and how we can improve. We do not attempt to be the definitive guide to “the best practices” in CJK, but at least serve as starting point in addressing how we can improve and work together by sharing our collective insights. This study is open-ended and will not be sponsored by any particular company. We encourage others to contact us if there is an interest in participating.